The S2000 is considered one of the most popular Honda models worldwide, potentially second only to the NSX. It’s not just well-known but also one of Honda’s most sought-after creations. This roadster has a rich history and a notable lineage of predecessors including the S500, S600, and S800. While its place in this line is often debated among brand enthusiasts, its influence is undeniable. Thus, I present you the history of the S line.
The little bee: Nissan Be-1
No, we're kidding; it's not a bee 🐝, nor a Mini car. It's a tiny Nissan born in the '80s, a classic but very limited car signed by the Japanese...
Soichiro’s Honda most known Quotes
“If Honda does not race, there is no Honda.” Soichiro Honda is, for me at least, one of those very stubborn and strong-willed individuals that ever walked the face of...
Corvette – istorie de sapte generatii
Acum mai bine de 60 de ani se nastea unul din modelele ce au scris istorie in palmaresul americanilor de la Chevrolet, in istoria automobilelor americane cat si a muscle-cars-urilor....
O vizita in centrul perfectiunii: SPOON SPORTS
In primul rand, inainte de a incepe acest articol, am doar o singura precizare: lumea automobilelor este o lume magica, plina de oameni pasionati si speciali, oameni care se dedica intru...
Cei doi pionieri bavarezi: BMW 1602 & 2002
Din cand in cand, cuiva i se face dor de un model si ii aduce un tribut - un film, o serie de poze, un album sau o expozitie. Din...